- "smile, guys!"
- "guys, hey, say cheeeeeese... cheeeeeeeeeeeese..."
- "buddy, put those leaves down, bud"
- "hey... hey... look at the phone, look at mommy, say smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile! ...." -_-
- "Abi, sit on the chair baby, don't get u-"
- "Abi, baby, don't touch those leaves, don't put them i- (gives phone to husband. cleans chairs that were covered in dry leaves in a matter of milliseconds. relocates subjects.)"
- "guys, say smiiiileeeee... if you say smile, we'll take you to Staaaarbucksss... we'll get some chocolate miiiiilk" (persuasion technique)
-" let's sing the train song, come on!"
- (to husband) babe, sing that song.. what was it?
- "ooook guuuuuuys, I guess we're not going to Starbucks today..."
- "bud, sit down, buddy... smiii-"
- (scratches head)
-"Nevermind". (gets family in the car and off they go for coffee... and chocolate milk... at Starbucks.)
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